Our Services

Wild Flower Spa And Wellness

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Pickup and Drop

We offer pickup and drop for our Members. If you are far away and doesn’t have means to reach us, just give us a call.


Member Discount

We have some great plans for membership if you are up for it. Just take a look at our plans and we will help you out. Becoming a member at our spa will give you more benefits.


Beauty Products

If you wish keep your looks, then we sell beauty products also. We have a big range of beauty products specially designed for you.

Have a Look at Our

Wildflower Spa and Wellness Center

You deserve better than a rushed massage by a rookie therapist in a place that makes you feel more stressed.

Sports Spa

Sports massage can treat a variety of ailments and injuries that may occure as a result of regular exercise or sports activity. It also has other benefits that allow you to train or exercise more efficiently. It drains away fatigue, promotes flexibility and insures treating injuries like shin splints, tennis elbows, sprains etc.

A sports massage has many benefits for an athlete, or anyone doing regular exercise. It can:

  • relax your muscles and ease muscle tension
  • fight fatigue
  • prevent or relieve delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
  • relieve any swelling you have around your joints
  • boost circulation and the immune system so that the body heals more quickly
  • help remove waste products, such as lactic acid, and encourage the muscles to take up oxygen and nutrients which help them recover quicker
  • improve your flexibility, body strength and range of motion

Lomi-Lomi Therapy

Lomi-Lomi is a traditional Hawaiian massage that uses a combination of massage techniques, nut oils, and sometimes elements of prayer, breathing and dance to restore energy and soothe the body. It is also known as the ‘loving hands’ massage. This name helps to explain its principles – the massage works gently yet deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes, allowing the recipient to relax and give in to the nurturing touch.

Four Hands Massage

In a four-hands massage, two therapists work on one client, often using synchronized moves. A four-hands massage can be like experiencing two full body massages at the same time. With the help of hawaiian lomi-lomi technique using a rich blend of aroma therapy oils. This massage soothes tense muscles allowing healing energy to flow freely through the body. Feel the stres ebb away and be renewed with vitality and a sense for tranquility.

Body Scrub

A body scrub or body polish is a spa treatment which exfoliates the skin on your body leaving it feeling fresh, smooth, moisturized and soft. An abrasive product is rubbed vigorously, and massaged across and into your skin, and is then rinsed away to reveal a moisturised layer of fresh, clean and smooth skin

Deep Tissue Massage

A type of massage therapy, deep tissue massage uses deep, slow strokes to reach deeper layers of muscle and fascia (the connective tissue surrounding muscles). It’s used for chronic aches and pain and contracted areas such as a stiff neck and upper back, low back pain, leg muscle tightness, and sore shoulders.

Aroma Therapy

Aromatherapy is a widely known form of massage, yet it is often misunderstood. The immediate consensus on aromatherapy is that it’s a relaxing massage for a lazy, luxurious day. However, what most people don’t realize is that aromatherapy is more than just a “feel-good” treatment – it has tons of benefits, in addition to being extremely relaxing.

Relaxing Dry Massage

Relaxing Dry (oil free) Massage reduces aches and stiffness. Lots of stretching helps to get body flexibility. A ritual of healing originally precied by buddhist monks. The Mas Sage primalrily based on the ancient system of yoga with gentle rocking stretching and compression movement to improve the body’s fliexibility.

Classical Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is a whole-body therapeutic massage treatment that works the soft tissues and muscles to help restore health – creating a calming and balancing effect on the nervous system.

The massage therapist will use five main types of massage techniques in a Swedish massage: stroking and gliding; kneading; rubbing; tapping or pounding; vibration

Pain Relief Package

Pain is one of the most bothering symptom of stress that can limit our routine activities. A hectic life style that includes siting for long hours. Frequent travelling, physical activities etc. can contribute to the pain. Although we know that our lifestyle contributes to pain, we cannot avoid certain activities. Since painkiller drugs are associated with several side effects, most of us try to avoid painkilles unless it is the last resort. Therefore we present the pain relief package, which includes some effective techniques of pain management. And all the therapies are natural, the possibility of side effects is totally eliminated.

Detox Package

Detox massages are designed to help regain function by working on the lymphatic system, which is a system of muscles and organs that support the body to eliminate toxins, waste and other harmful materials. Massage in Wildflower enables not only relaxation but a total boost to our immune system. Detox massages can help to spark the body’s normal healing mechanisms, whether from substance abuse or to cleanse the body through unhealthy eating habits

The Pamper Experience

Awaken with a new sense of being reborn after this 120 minutes journey of being treated like royalty. This blissful and truly indulgent experience includes a stimulating massage, a cleansing scrub and an enreaching wrap.

Wildflower Special Massage

A nurturing massage which involves a combination of balances, deep tissue and thai massage to calm the mind and rejuvenate the body. Specially developed to do stress and active the chakras.

Contact Us

Survey No. 64/P,
N.H. 8-A, Jambudiya,
Nr. Rafaleshwar,
Ta. Morbi, Dist. Morbi : 363 642 (Guj.) INDIA